Monday, February 1, 2010

35 Easy Ways to Break Common Folkways

1. Stand backwards in an elevator

2. Tell everyone how much money you make

3. Talk to yourself in public

4. Take things out of the garbage

5. Walk barefoot down the street

6. Cut in front of someone in line

7. Pay only in coins

8. Refuse to hold the door for the person behind you

9. Invade others’ personal space

10. Make unnecessary noise in a library

11. Touch yourself inappropriately in public

12. Stare at a woman’s breasts while speaking to her

13. Share only occasionally

14. Come into a waiting room and sit down on the floor

15. Sit down in a store

16. Men try on ladies’ clothing and vice versa

17. Walk against traffic

18. Slurp from soup bowl

19. Leave tags on clothes while wearing them

20. Put your elbows on the table while eating

21. Chew with your mouth open

22. Refuse to turn down your phone in class/theater/meetings

23. Refuse to shake someone’s hand once it has been offered

24. Sneeze and then touch someone

25. Don’t give up your seat to an elderly or handicapped person

26. Take a tissue from someone, blow your nose, and then hand it back

27. Belch/pass gas in public

28. Wear clothes that are too tight

29. Don't wear deodorant

30. Touch people when you don’t know them well

31. Wear clothing/jewelry that is very noisy

32. Talk on the phone at the table

33. Break into song in public

34. Stretch and yawn loudly in church or other serious social gathering

35. For males only: Be overly affectionate with your male friends

Here are some links to videos of people breaking common folkways:

1 comment:

  1. I am doing and assignment in my sociology class and we have to break 10 folkways and I couldn't think of all ten and your site helped give me some very creative ideas.
